Laughing and crying
Our voices 12 September 2011
Thomas came to the men’s support group, introduced himself and was welcomed into the group. The other men told him a little about themselves and their history and how they had arrived at Room to Heal. Thomas launched into his own story and for the next twenty minutes regaled members with the very painful story of his experiences in Central Africa.
Eventually he stopped talking because he was crying so much. He looked up to see the other men were all crying too. Rather aghast he said, “My God, is this what you guys do, tell terrible stories and cry?”
Abdul, a much younger member of the group who had been in the group for a year, turned to Thomas and said, “Well Thomas, it is is a bit like that. On Wednesdays we come to the support group and we often have a good cry, but on Fridays we go to the garden and have a good laugh.”