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Privacy Policy


Room to Heal is a registered charity (charity registration number: 1128857). 

Room to Heal is committed to protecting your privacy and being transparent about how we use your data. In processing your personal data, Room to Heal will ensure we always comply with the latest data protection regulations, including the 2018 Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at or phone our office at 0207 923 2007.

Below we will tell you how Room to Heal, and a small number of third parties working on our behalf, collect and use your personal information. We will also provide details of the third parties we use and their privacy policies throughout.

What is personal data?

Personal data counts as any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes any identifying information, such as name, address, telephone number and so on. 

1. Why do we collect information?

To ensure we can respond to you appropriately, we need to collect some personal information from you. For example, we need some personal details in order to process your donation, thank you for your support and, if you have subscribed to our updates, provide you with news about our work and upcoming events.

This helps us to improve how we communicate with you and allows us to grow our supporter network. It helps us ensure that we process your generous donations effectively, focus more on communications that our supporters appreciate, and helps us plan for future activities and campaigns.

At times we may research information about our current and prospective donors using information that is available publicly. This helps us understand how you may want or be able to support us, to communicate with you in the best possible way and grow our network of supporters.

2. What information do we collect and how do we collect it?

When you get in touch with Room to Heal, we might ask you for permission to process some of your personal information. For example, when you make a donation, we may ask for your name, address, phone number, email address and bank details in order to process your donation and thank you for your support. Moreover, we collect personal and statistical information when you get in touch or connect with us through our website or social media accounts. 

The types of personal data we collect may include (but are not limited to): name and address; title; email address; phone number; bank details (when donating); taxpayer status for collecting Gift Aid (only on individual donations); date of birth, age and personal details; CV and cover letters (if applying for a job or volunteer role); email preferences (whether you have said you wish to keep hearing from us). More detail on the personal data we collect, and how it is collected, is outlined below.

Sometimes we collect information directly from you, for example when you connect with us through our website or email. Other times we rely on third parties to process your requests, which are outlined below.

2.1 Cookies

Cookies set by

_gaVisitor statistics2 yearsGoogle
_gidVisitor statistics24 hoursGoogle
_gat_gtagVisitor statistics1 minuteGoogle

Anonymous visitor statistic cookies

We use cookies (detailed above) to compile visitor statistics such as how many people have visited our website and what type of technology they are using (e.g. Mac or Windows). The statistics help to identify how long visitors spend on the site, what pages are being looked at, and what technology people are using to access the website. This helps us to continuously improve our website. The visitor statistics also tell us, on an anonymous basis, how people reached this site (e.g. from a search engine) and whether they have been here before, helping us to better understand our audience.

Third party cookies
Our site, like most websites, includes functionality provided by third parties. A common example is an embedded YouTube or Vimeo video. While we have made an effort to minimise their use, some third party services embedded within this website set their own cookies. These are known as third party cookies because they are not set by our website. We have no control over the cookies that are set by third party services. Disabling these cookies will likely break the functions offered by these third parties.

Blocking cookies

You can adjust your browser settings to block most cookies. The “help” function on your browser should explain how to do this. You can find out more about cookies, including how to disable, enable or delete them, at the following websites:

2.2 Making donations

When you donate to Room to Heal, we need to collect your name, email address, phone number and bank details in order to process your donation, as well as thank you for it. We use third party platforms, JustGiving, Donr and Crowdfunder to process our donations, and we can assure you we have taken all necessary steps to ensure they are GDPR compliant and will keep your information safe. You can read JustGiving’s privacy policy here, Donr’s privacy policy here and Crowdfunder’s privacy policy here.

We will email you an acknowledgement and thank you for your donation, but if you no longer want to hear from us, you can simply contact us to let us know, or unsubscribe from our emails. 

Currently if you make a donation by text, Donr will send you an automatic thank you text on our behalf. They may also send an automatic text on our behalf to ask if you would like us to claim 25% of the value of your donation from Government through their Gift Aid scheme at no further cost to you. Currently we will not contact you by text for marketing purposes. 

JustGiving, Donr and Crowdfunder will keep a record of your donation. When you donate via these platforms, you indicate whether or not you are happy for them to pass your contact and/or donation details to Room to Heal. If you indicate that you are happy for your details to be passed to Room to Heal, we will save your details on Room to Heal’s separate secure supporter database, managed by third party provider Donorfy (see below: 3. How do we keep your information safe?).  

If you make a direct donation, for example at one of our events, we may ask you to sign a Gift Aid form so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation, if you are eligible. We will keep a record of this for up to five years.

If you make a donation direct to our bank account, we will save your contact details on a separate secure database, Donorfy (see below: 3).  

Sometimes we store your information which we’ve collected directly from you, for example when you connect with us through our website or email. This information is stored securely by Room to Heal (see below: 3. How do we keep your information safe?)

2.3 Mailing list

When you visit our website, you will have the option of subscribing to our mailing list and newsletter. The platform we use to manage our mailing list is Mailchimp. You can read Mailchimp’s privacy policy here.

Our newsletter is a way of sharing our work, stories from our members and relevant news that you might want to hear about. They are a way of communicating what the Room to Heal community is like, what challenges our members face, and what you can do to support our work. We may also email you about occasional events such as our annual Summer Party, campaigns and fundraising events that may be of interest. You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any point, just contact us to let us know or click the ‘unsubscribe’ button at the bottom of any email you receive from us. We use a third party provider to send out our newsletter, Mailchimp. 

2.4 Job and Volunteer Applications

We advertise vacancies on our website. When you get in touch to enquire about a job or volunteer opportunity, or to apply, we store your personal data in a secure database as we understand it to be in your legitimate interest. This will include name and email address, and any attachments you send us. We will safely and permanently delete all applications and personal data of applicants who are not successful after a period of 6 months, and for 6 years after your last day working with us (if successful). Applicants for job or volunteering opportunities will only hear from us in relation to their application.

We often advertise our job and volunteer opportunities on recruitment third party platforms. As a third party, we have taken all necessary steps to ensure these third parties are GDPR compliant and will keep your data safe. By applying for a job or volunteer opportunity on these sites you grant these platforms consent to share your personal data with Room to Heal. 

3. How do we keep your information safe?

We take all appropriate measures to ensure your personal information is kept secure, both physically and electronically and to keep your data up to date and only hold your details for as long as is reasonable and necessary.

Your information is securely stored by third party providers (see 2.2 -2.4 above). We use Donorfy to provide us with a secure database, which enables us to collate information from these third party providers into one central place for ease of management and to communicate appropriately with our supporters. Donorfy’s policies are here: Data Protection, Privacy, Data Processing Agreement

All Room to Heal staff are trained appropriately on our data protection policies. We continue to review and update these policies in line with current and upcoming data protection regulations and staff are informed appropriately, including the latest Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR.

4. How is your information shared?

Room to Heal will only share information about you where you have given your explicit consent to do so, for example when we send you communications about our work, or we are required by law, like providing Gift Aid information to HMRC.

5. Other websites

Our website contains links to other websites and social media accounts. This privacy policy only applies to this website, so please do read other websites’ own privacy policy.

6. Changes to our privacy policy

This privacy policy may change from time to time in line with legislation or organisational development. We recommend that you check this page occasionally for any policy changes. 

Last updated: June 2022 

Contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or the information we hold about you, please contact us at 0207 923 2007 or email us at By doing so, you can also change your contact details and preferences.

Last updated: June 2022