Room to Heal go to the UN in Geneva
News 5 May 2017
Mark Fish, Chloe Davies and Isabella Mighetto represented Room to Heal, at the Palais des Nations, the United Nations HQ in Geneva, convening for a three-day series of Expert Workshops culminating in a public event: ‘Torture Victims in the Context of Migration: Identification, Redress and Rehabilitation’, organised by the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture (UNVFVT). The conference was attended by around 50 frontline workers: experts, human rights practitioners, lawyers, psychiatrists, social workers, therapists, from selected agencies around the globe that are supported by the Fund.
The Fund for Victims of Torture funds nearly 200 organisations providing psychological, medical, social and legal assistance to torture survivors and their families all over the world. It is one of the four UN mechanisms in the global fight against torture, managed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).
We are very grateful to have been funded by the UNVFVT for the last six years, enabling our organisation to offer vital therapeutic support and practical casework assistance to over 80 members of our community – survivors of torture and human rights abuse who are refugees and asylum seekers and who hail from around 30 countries from around the world.